I’m way too easy going, really lazy and I’m always making some kind of joke. I like getting to know people but I’m not nosey. I may be the one stressing over everything, but I’m always the one with a smile on her face. Sexuality plays a big part of my life. I want to be a writer. Nail varnish never lasts long on my fingers. My hairs too ginger, but I don't mind. If I broke my ipod, I’d take the week off school. I love cheekbones, veiny arms, collar bones and strong jaw lines. I’m picky. I can't be bothered with worrying, but I still do. I get way too paranoid. I love ducks. Feet make me gag, as does coffee breath in the morning. I straighten my hair too much and I reckon I’ll be bald before I’m 30. I don't want kids or marriage, and I’m sticking to that. I quit being a vegetarian after 1 year and a half. I can't wait for my freckles to disappear. I like cold mornings watching my brothers play football on freshly cut grass. I like Sunday mornings all to myself. I hate waking up in last night’s clothes. I like going out drinking and remembering everything that happened the night before. I like tea and toast. People irritate me too easily. I can make my mind up about some one after talking to them for 5 minutes. I’m shy, not confident and I always need reassurance. I can't stand so many words, they make me cringe. I don't cake my face with make up. I always say I look like shit, because it's true. I love actually getting to know people. I love open minded people. Dry humour is my weak point. I’m really messy and love days out, car journeys and new clothes. I’m pretty much an open person, and to be honest I can listen to people, but most of the time I’m useless with giving advice. I don’t really want to move on, as in – go to college, but I knew it was always going to happen, and really I should get some confidence and just get on with it. I’ve applied for one college, but I have no idea what I’m going to be studying. Anyway, my names Asherleigh and this is my blog. Well strange typing that. I don’t really like using the obvious ‘clichés’ I think ‘sod this’ about most things. I always feel guilty for something. I have really pale skin. I don’t really like animals. Immature people that say “Just because I’m having more fun than you” really don’t do themselves any justice. Waking up with my leg on a cold radiator makes me want to scream, and nine times out of ten I do. love getting a cough that doesn’t hurt, but just lets your voice go and come back again. I’m not the best in awkward situations. I trust too easily. My fringe annoys me. I swear I’m always on a downer, but I don’t mean to be. I love laughing at myself. I have too many opinions. I’m not smart, but I’m ‘people smart’ said a friend. Basically, I’m rubbish at maths etc, but when it comes to people, I know how to work them out. I don’t know how to take control of situations. I have a voice that just comes whenever I’m put into a situation that I feel uncomfortable in; for example – “Ashleigh, what’s the graph telling us?” “I’m not too sure. I think… I’m not sure” *Red face* I wish I listened in class. At the moment I’m writing a novel. It was supposed to be for the National Novel Writing Month, but as I had too much coursework and little time and effort, I have just decided I’d write the 50,000 words in my own time. You never know – something could happen and it might get published. Yeah right, but it’s worth a go, am I right? Of course I am. I try to listen to people, but I always glaze over. I’m over-protected. I hate hot and cold weather. I hate going to school when it’s raining, just because I know my hair will go to shit. I love a laugh, always; and vulgarity is usually the thing to set me off. I love the fact I’m ‘one of the lads’ when I go out drinking or even just sitting in class with a couple of the boys. Most people hate Christmas, but I’m alright with it. I’m not fond of spending loads of money and having to eat with the family for 3 days (Christmas eve, Christmas day, boxing day) but I guess the spirit where everyone sings and the feeling you get when you lay in bed waiting for the next day, even if you don’t really care – is purely amazing. My Nan’s amazing. She’s not like anyone else’s Nan, I swear down. My parents hate that I type fast, because it makes a loud noise when they are watching TV, but I always say “I’m not typing fast, why don’t you just get me a laptop and be done with it” They soon shut up, but then if they did get me a laptop they’d make me stay downstairs with it. Trust issues, much. I talk proper common, aha. I laugh at myself too much. I don’t even get half the jokes people say. Whiney girls that ‘have it all’ but still go on, make me angry, but that’s just going back to the bratty people that I can’t stand. I don’t like watching people get bullied; it makes me feel sick, as with racism, it’s cruel. Watching films with average script writing really does make me laugh. I love watching TV programmes and spotting the mistakes they’ve made with props etc. I watch reality TV because it’s interesting to me. I try not to care what people think when I walk down the street, but that’s just called paranoia and to be honest, I’m only called ‘vain’ because I don’t want to let myself get into a state like most people. I sound like a right bitch at times, but I promise I’m not. And I don’t break promises easily. I believe in respect. I love short blonde hair on girls. I don’t like eye-shadow or ugly curtains. People who nit-pick everything drive me mad. I swear I get irritated at everything, but then it just makes me laugh. I’m always anti-something, but then end up liking it a month later. I can’t always keep to my word, but I always make an effort to at least try. Just hearing some one get angry, makes me angry at them. I hate the feeling when you think you’re falling in a dream and then flinch, to wake yourself up. I don’t have any wise words or a motto to live by. I try to look nice on most days, but as I ‘try to hard’ I always fail. I put myself down a lot. I don’t look for attention. I wouldn’t get into a strangers car, because I listened to my parents when I was younger and watched those videos when I was like 8 that the nice police officer showed us in school. Be original, you bell ends. I try not to be so much of a critic, and I know I’m not perfect (what is ‘perfection’?) but I’m entitled to my opinions, like every other Tom Dick and Harry. I quote songs when I’m bored. I sound aggressive, but I couldn’t punch some one in the face. I am pretty much one of the loveliest people you’ll meet, even if I do take the piss out of you. But I’ll only do it do you take the piss back. I like games. I like lamps. I don’t like candles. I love a good party. Yes sir. One of the best options I took for myself was to not do Geography as a GCSE, just because everyone I know who is doing it is proper struggling, but they love it? Strange people! “Rolling over to switch the alarm off, she then laid back into her satin sheets and tilted her head to stare at the person beside her. Long honey-blonde curled hair fell in front of her eyes as she then sat up against her emerald headboard. She slipped warm hands down her silk black night dress and admired her beautiful room.” That’s part of my Novel; I’m not really bothered if you think its shit. You write something, I dare you. apparently, you have to write 2,000 words in this thing, but every time I write that amount, I go on about a load of shit – no one reads it, or it says that I’m not allowed the amount of ‘characters’ god it drives me mental. I wouldn’t say that I’m totally against technology but when facebook crashes I could kill some one :’) I always get the feeling I should be doing something more productive but then I just sit on my backside and do nothing. I hate eating breakfast in the morning, but still having my stomach rumble in second period – it’s like “why try?!” I always spill coffee, tea and other liquids (aha) on the carpet, or break something and feel really guilty about it. I don’t like cheesy chat up lines. I want a model girlfriend, but not some one who’s so much prettier than me, that I want to strangle her. I love the bad tunes you get on phones, just because they make you want to dance. I don’t know how to ‘live for the moment’ does this mean I’m boring? I hate emailing people. I’d rather be mute then speak in front of the class. I hate waking up when it’s raining and I have to go out in it. I also do not like wind. But I love a good thunder storm with a cuppa, watching the lightening. Yes sir. I don’t get the fascination with musicals, but I don’t mind people who obsess over them, as long as they don’t force it upon me. I’m listening to a Christmas song as my mum attempts to polish, and I’m still in my PJ’s. Also – the washing machine is on. I don’t like waking up to lawnmowers going at it. I bite my nails – filthy habit, I know. If there’s a way to get out of doing a household chore, I’ll bloody do it. No hesitation. Does this make me lazy? I think so! People falling over make me laugh, but then karma gets me back. Life’s a bitch right? I love pins and needles. It makes me feel as if I’m walking on the moon. I don’t mind flying, though I’m not a big flyer, always flying flying flying. I’m not going on holiday with my parents, because I hate family holidays that include their drunken friends. I don’t get travel sickness. I don’t do camping. I hate dogs with a passion. I’ll tell you what you want to hear, but then tell you exactly what you don’t want to hear. I’m cruel with intention of being kind. Beautiful I know. I never realised how much 2,000 words was until now, even though I have written 15,000+ words on the novel so far. Las Vegas weddings, in my opinion, are the most meaningless way of getting ‘hitched’. I love Morgan Freeman’s voice. I hate getting a random pain and not being able to do anything about it. I once took 8 paracetemols and thought I was going to die. “Back in the office, it was the casual yet oh so predictable sex on the desk, praying no one would walk in but their hearts racing in case they were to get caught.” If you are trying to do your own novel without nicking others material… you do something along the lines of that. I’m Ashleigh, thank you.